October 22nd, 2020 -
This year SPIE Advanced Lithography conference was online. Here is XYALIS presentation that shows a complete maskset automatic flow management with its mask order form in SEMI P10 format. In this presentation, we see how it is easy to set …
October 20th, 2020 -
Grenoble – October 20th, 2020 – Today XYALIS unveils a new release bringing new powerful features in mask data preparation and dummy filling tools. It includes a python interpreter for maskset manager and dummy fill tool. Also to increase OASIS reading/writing …
Grenoble – May 4th, 2020 – The new release of our Multi Project Wafers (MPW) automatic placement engine (GOTcross) for MPW projects brings new powerful features. Here are highlights on these advanced features. The possibility to fill remaining empty space by additional …
Grenoble – March 28th, 2020 XYALIS is proud to announce that a new patent has been filled (#WO2019141942). In this patent, XYALIS provides a new method to compare layout databases using a geometric based signature. When different teams exchange different versions of …
Grenoble – March 25th, 2020 – Today XYALIS unveils a new release bringing new powerful features in mask data preparation tools. It includes a python interpreter in GOTmuch, enhanced cut-sets management to improve silicon yield and support for Oracle® database connection. …